Scandinavian Medical Solutions är en dansk återförsäljare av begagnad bilddiagnostikutrustning. Produktutbudet inkluderar bl.a. CT- och MR-skannrar samt ultraljudsenheter och röntgenutrustning. Bolaget bedriver sin försäljning globalt och kunderna återfinns främst bland sjukhus. Scandinavian Medical Solutions grundades 2019 och har sitt huvudkontor i Danmark.
Press releases
Well-Positioned For Growth
- Proceeds from the IPO Enable Expansion
The IPO in November 2021 provided capital of DKK 30m, and SMS has a clear plan of how this capital raised will be allocated for value adding investments. These investments include introducing new verticals which will create new revenue streams, expanding the Company’s inventory and recruiting additional sales staff. This combined is expected to play a substantial part of the sales growth going forward, resulting in an estimated revenue CAGR of 13.1% between 2020/21-2025/26.
- Partnerships with Leading OEM:s
SMS has secured contracts with the four leading Original-Equipment-Manufactures (OEM:s), gaining access to the latest, most qualitative and sought-after medical equipment on the market. This is expected to lead to a competitive inventory which should attract new systems’ orders and drive sales going forward.
- Capitalizing on Underlying Market Trends
An ageing population globally has led to an increased demand for well-equipped healthcare. Hence, healthcare spending has outpaced economic growth for the past decade and is projected to still do so for the next 15 years. Moreover, pressure on public finances create a need for more economic alternatives such as pre-owned systems. Analyst Group assess SMS to be well-positioned to capitalize on these trends.
- Greater Product Mix Expected Within 2023/24
The announced goal of becoming an Inter Service Organization (ISO) with Multi Vendor Service (MSV) will extend the product offering to also include installation, service, renting and the sale of spare parts. This is expected to be reached within 2023/24 and will create new verticals and revenue streams. This is estimated to play a substantial part of Analyst Group’s projections of revenue which is estimated to increase from DKK 71.6m in 2020/21 to DKK 132.8m in 2025/26.
Share price
Valuation Range
4.1 DKKBase
6.5 DKKBull
8.3 DKKDevelopment
Principal shareholder